Keep my local development environment as close as possible to how it’s going to work in the real environment. Help us understand more about projects also easy to debug and speed up developing a new feature.
A few benefits of this approach are
- You can run the lambda function locally
- Don’t impact your team by sharing the same env ( update on the same buckets, same records )
- Debug & Speed up your working
- Don’t need to worry about paying for AWS usage for stupid action 🥰
Step 1: Initial Setup
First, we’ll need to install a few things
- Install Docker
- Install the AWS CLI ( required for localstack lookup a fake profile )=
aws configure
cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = test
aws_secret_access_key = test
region = us-west-2
output = json
3. Check out the code from this repository
4. Install AWS CDK Local
npm install -g aws-cdk-local aws-cdk
yarn yarn global add aws-cdk-local aws-cdk
cdklocal --version 1.117.0 (build 0047c98)
Step 2: Starting our localstack container
At the root repository, you can see a folder “localstack” go to this folder and execute the command docker-compose up -d after waiting for minutes
cd localstack
docker-compose up -d
# Open browser and access the link for checking http://localhost:4566/health
Step 3: Deploy AWS Service to Localstack container.
At the root folder execute the command yarn deploy
IAM Statement Changes ...
(NOTE: There may be security-related changes not in this list. See
Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)?
#### Type `y` and see our stack
ApplicationStack: deploying...
ApplicationStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
✅ ApplicationStack
Stack ARN:
After the stack was deployed successfully — Try to recheck your deployment
Simple check your dynamo tableaws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 dynamodb list-tables
Useful Tools for our development
S3 Viewer (MAC & Win)
DynamoDB Viewer (MAC & Win)
SQS (Sender)
If you have any questions or issues when you try to deploy the stack let me know in the comments.